28 May 2010

We are safe

Post from Margaret:

News is sketchy about yesterday's train crash and reports continue of possible sabotage by Maoist Rebels. Municipal elections take place on Sunday.  I have decided that we will hunker down until all results and any subsequent reactions are past.  I have plenty of work to do here, so it won't be a problem to stay put for a bit.  Celia will continue with art lessons, etc.

Though this is a tragedy and many are suffering as I write, I assure you that we are both fine though quite sad.


Anonymous said...

I just read this blog for the first time...at midnight india time.
Come to think of it this is the first time I've ever read a blog...
this Timmy by the way...writing from new york.This entire blog is greatly amusing me then the (you spelled poem wrong).and no, that's not the only reason.

why should i even bother putting my name here i already said my name in the second centance,OMG,i think i spelled that wrong. ok, fine, we're even we both misspelled something.

Anonymous said...

hi Celia i am having a good time reading your blog.I am also glad because i just found out i am better speller than Timmy. YAY! By the way Iam *Phoebe*! by the way i am in new york and i miss you!